The Only Reason I Stay


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- My kids are 12 and 16. -BlahBlahBlah- They do not listen to me. -BlahBlahBlah- My 16 yr old is by my 1st husband. The man that I am married to now has been with me since my son was 2 yrs old. He does not listen to him either. -BlahBlahBlah- My husband gets frustrated and gets very angry with him. This makes me angry at my husband. -BlahBlahBlah- I have gotten to the point that I do not love my husband any more. -BlahBlahBlah-The only reason I stay married to him is because of my 12 yr old. -BlahBlahBlah- This has caused me to resent my 12 yr old. -BlahBlahBlah-


So your 12 year old is all like "My mom acts like she doesn't love my dad, she bitches at my brother all day, and she resents me - Oh No! - I hope she doesn't leave us!"

Yeah fucking right. He's 12. He's old enough to be tired of your shit.

Why are you putting everyone through this?

Sitting at your computer and scowling over your shoulder at those you "resent," is not going to fix anything. You're just lazy and assing it with your back to the family takes less work than packing your shit.

My advice to you: Lose the custody battle gracefully and buy the kids' forgiveness with some craigslist dude's money.

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