Fussy Over His Laconic Texts


Dear Right Advice,

-BlahBlahBlah- We met three weeks ago and hit it off tremendously. He asked for my number. We've hung out about six times. -BlahBlahBlah- Maybe after the third week of hanging out he started becoming more quiet and I started becoming more open and flirty. -BlahBlahBlah- He flirts some but he mostly seems "whatever". -BlahBlahBlah- When we texted yesterday he basically called me cute, -BlahBlahBlah- I said I liked him "subliminally" through the question game, and he said he liked me back. -BlahBlahBlah- He said he loved talking to me and I always made him smile. -BlahBlahBlah- what concerned me was he said "lol" after alot of things and ":P". -BlahBlahBlah- He told me he struggles with relationships due to his insomnia but he never indicated he was shy, just that he liked staying in. But after those texts last night, he was the last one to respond and he hasn't texted since. It's only been a day and he usually just texts at night... but that bothers me too. I feel like i'm the last thought on his mind. I need a complete, realistic response to my question. -BlahBlahBlah- I'm 18 and he's 21. I'm a senior in highschool and he's in college. -BlahBlahBlah-


You're 18 years old and you think you can accomplish things subliminally?
That makes sense because you're stupid.

This all reads like he probably didn't know you were in high school when he got your number. Two other things he's probably learned about you are that you're stupid, and you're boring.

Being boring is something a girl like you can get away with for the next 5 years, so don't sweat that. And please, don't go out and do something like getting a tattoo to try and fix it; that won't work.

Being stupid is your biggest problem.
Let's examine this statement: "I need a complete, realistic response to my question."

You didn't ask a fucking question.
Does that help illuminate why his use of "lol," and ":p" might seem off script?

Your conflict is apparent because stupid-fussy-girl is a universal language on par with square roots in mathematics: the determined value is either positive or negative and can't be discovered without an incentive to do a bunch of work.

This guy is indifferent because he knows that what you want is not aligned with what he wants.

The irony is that in 6 months, we'll be able to look back upon how little sex he's had with his peers, which will make the dismal 3 months of baby-steps and butt sniffing, with you, totally worth having a fly, soaking wet, 18 year old coming over on Sunday afternoons to bang.

Now it's obvious that you're not sexting nor sending dirty pics, because if you were you wouldn't be having this issue.

It's totally fine if you're too much of a prude to be building sexual tension with this guy, but you have to produce some sort of value in that department.

My advice to you: Wait until Monday to text him, and when you do, ask "Did you get lucky this weekend?"


  1. Being naive doesn't necessarily mean you are stupid. But you are right, if you want it impress a guy, getting a tatoo is the worst possible decision. So, just don't do this!
