Worried About My Friend


Dear Right Advice,
-BlahBlahBlah- My friend is worrying me. She got this app on her ipod that you can chat online. -BlahBlahBlah- She is only 11. -BlahBlahBlah- She met 3 gutys that are 15 18 and 28. -BlahBlahBlah- told them they she is 13 and that her name was payton. -BlahBlahBlah- She is getting really close to the 28 year-old. -BlahBlahBlah- They are basically doing sex online -BlahBlahBlah- What should i do? Tell her parents? If i do tell her parents She may get mad and may not want to be my friend. -BlahBlahBlah- is it worth it for her saftey? Im confused -BlahBlahBlah-


Are you worried that if this 28 year old guy finds out she's actually 11, things could get ugly?

Parents giving their kids unrestricted access to the internet pisses me off for 2 reasons. The main reason being that skeevy men in their late 20's are getting 11 year olds to sext them beev shots. Following that, it really pisses me off that I have to deal with this.

This post SHOULD be advising a pregnant girl to get more than child support out of her cheating boyfriend by having him put her through school before she leaves him.

Instead, I have to go with the juicy scandal of an 11 year old who knows how to masturbate.

If you're so young and stupid that you're having trouble weighing your friend's safety against her being mad at you, then imagine the judgement calls your friend will fail at when he gets a hotel room near her house.

You're too young to imagine what a 28 year old dude - with a taste for 13 year old girls - is thinking about, but lets just say that the bottom of the envelope would be him peeing in your hair.

My advice to you: Tell an adult; any adult. I'm pretty sure this guy has got a few cousins who've been leading broken lives, waiting for an opportunity to come forward.

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